We praise God for the work that He is doing at the orphan project. Three groups went to the orphan project this past summer and were welcomed into the community like they were family. Of the three groups that were there, only two people had been to the orphan project previously….leaving 17 people who had never met the people of Kanyenyeva before but that didn’t matter, they were still welcomed like family.
Each group had a different focus. Some of the things that the first group did was to built a new play gym, help with the feeding program, and learn about some of the small businesses at the orphan project. To view more pictures, see our album Malawi trip, June 2014 on our Facebook page.
The second group enjoyed playing with the children at the orphan project but primarily focused on learning about education in Malawi. To learn more about education in Malawi, please see our blog which talks about life and education in Malawi at 4malawi.wordpress.com. To view more pictures, see our album July, 2014 on our Facebook page.
The third group led Bible lessons and games for the children and Bible lessons for the women at the orphan project. They also repaired the stoves used for the feeding program and the seats of the swings at the orphan project. To view more pictures, please see our album Team 3 August, 2014 on our Facebook page.
Each group experienced God’s work being done at the orphan project in amazing ways and formed friendships that will last through eternity. We praise and thank God for the work that He is doing at the orphan project and for allowing us to be a part of it.
Please pray for Sinoden Kanyemba’s family and all the people associated with the orphan project.
This note recently arrived from the orphan project, “We just lost one of our children at Kanyenyeva; a form two (10th grade) student, Sinoden Kanyemba…It is difficult for us to come to terms with this loss. He died after a short illness; the doctors say he didn’t have enough blood and that his pressure and sugar levels were high.”
Please pray for good nutrition and good health for all of the orphans and their caregivers. Health care is Malawi is very basic and not easy to access. The diet of most of the people in the Kanyenyeva region is poor so their bodies cannot fight illnesses and diseases easily.
Although conditions are improving at the orphan project, there is still a long way to go for the people there to have adequate nutrition, health care, and education. Please join us in praying for the people of Kanyenyeva and all around the world who don’t have their basic needs met.
Zikomo kwambiri (Thank you very much).