Chicken/egg business update


We are near the end of our fund raising to complete the chicken/egg business. The building has been built, a wall has been erected, the chickens have been purchased but not delivered. DSCN0025These things have been completed as the money is available.

We have raised $22,000 of the $28,000 needed to complete this project. Only $6,000 is needed to complete the project including finishing the chicken coops inside the building, installing a gate, purchasing feed and completing the installation of electricity and water.

Once this project is complete and the business is started, the profit from this business should fund one more day when the children can come to the orphan project for a meal!!!!! This project is the idea of the Board and Village Committee of Kanyenyeva Orphan Care Ministry. They continue to seek ways to be able to fund the feeding program themselves. This is the next step in helping them to become financially independent. The bus business that we helped them to start, provides the funding for one feeding day and this business should fund another feeding day.

Please prayerfully consider donating to help the orphan project continue to become financially independent. Their goal is to be able to fund the orphan project themselves. Our donations now will help them to become financially independent in the future. Any amount is helpful!!! Click here to donate online through paypal. If you prefer, you can send a check to:

Malawi Orphan Care ProjectDSC_1363
53 Park Ave. West
Mansfield, Ohio 44902

Please write Chicken/egg on the memo line of your check.

Let’s partner with the people of the orphan project to help them be able to provide for themselves and help their community work it’s way out of poverty.