Remember the orphans, too.



This Christmas, consider giving the gift of a blanket or food in honor of a loved one. You can receive one card for each $15 donation for a blanket and for each $10 donation for food.

Please inform us of the number and type of cards you would like. Here are two ways to donate in honor of someone:

1) Write a check to:

Malawi Orphan Care Project, Inc.

53 Park Ave. West

Mansfield, Ohio 44902.

Write a note along with your check stating that you would like to receive a card(s) telling your loved one(s) about the gift of a blanket or food given in their honor.

2) Click here to donate through paypal. Then write a note on our contact us page stating that you would like to receive a card(s) telling your loved one(s) about the gift of a blanket or food given in their honor.

We will send the card(s) to you for you to give to your loved one(s).gift of food