Lebanon Lutheran School in Watertown, WI donated their offerings from their chapel service this past quarter to Malawi Orphan Care Project. The $1,950 they collected will be used for scholarships for high school aged orphans from Kanyenyeva Orphan Care Ministry.
In Malawi, high school is not free so most orphans do not attend high school. The orphan project is able to send all high school aged orphans that are registered with the project to high school. This year there are 45 orphans attending high school!! This is the highest number since the beginning of the orphan project. At the orphan project, the leaders expect all of the children to attend school. With this expectation, more children are attending more regularly so each year more students are eligible to attend high school.
Earlier in February, we received enough donations for the chicken/egg business to be able to complete it!! Thank you to all who donated to help get this business started. Until they can have the electricity operational, they are using solar powered lights at the business.
The area to the far right of the building is for an office/home. It now has a door, windows and has been completed!
They have purchased 500 more chickens for a total of 1,000 chicken!! They expect to have everything operational in the coming weeks. We will share more pictures when we receive them.
If the fall of 2014, we held a shoe drive to raise money for the general operating expenses of the orphan project. Thanks to all the churches, businesses and individuals who donated and collected shoes, we raised $1,689.60!!!!