In September, 2012, 4 girls from the Kanyenyeva Orphan Care Ministry(KOCM) went to boarding school for the first time. Each one of the girls that attends the boarding school is a double orphan, meaning both of her parents have died. The girls were living in the homes of relatives or others in their village.
Since Malawi is such a poor country, it is difficult to feed your own family let alone adding orphans to your household. Because of the added strain on the caregiver’s household, many times girls who are double orphans are forced to marry at a young age. That way they are no longer a burden on their caregiver’s household.
According to Mr. Shadreck Chikoti, the volunteer director of KOCM, marrying is seen as one means of getting life security and running away from the hardships of poverty in their homes. Because of this, most girls do not value education.
These girls are experiencing many new things. They are away from their villages, they are sleeping on mattresses and they will hopefully see value in education.
Most people in the villages do not travel farther than about 10km from their homes in their lifetime. Moving away from their village and their caregivers is a new experience. They are meeting new people and making new friendships.
They are also sleeping on mattresses for the first time. In their homes in the village, they slept on reed mats like everyone else in the household. In the dormitory, they will sleep on a mattress on a bunk bed.
They will be able to focus on their education. Hopefully, they will experience education as their way out “from the hardships of poverty”.
Thank you to those who chose to support these 4 girls in their education.
Boarding school costs $1,000 each year for tuition, supplies and transportation.
If you would like to donate any amount of money for boarding school, local high school scholarships, or elementary fees, please send us a note on our contact page or email us at: along with the amount of your donation.
Or send a check to:
53 Park Ave West
Mansfield, Ohio 44902
Please write what you would like your donation to benefit on the memo line.