The women of Kanyenyeva will have a dedicated space to make reusable sanitary pads in the new skills center.
A new building will be constructed at the orphan project this summer. This new building will house a skills center for the community of Kanyenyeva. When completed, the building will be equipped with solar lighting, running water, and indoor plumbing for restrooms.
Kanyenyeva Ministries has been approved by Days for Girls International to begin an enterprise where women in the community will make and sell reusable sanitary products in their community and throughout their country. The building will provide a sheltered space for work and secure storage for their equipment and inventory.
A separate room will be utilized as a study space for high school students. Additional space will also be available for men in the community to learn new skills and start businesses. Kanyenyeva Ministries is researching the feasibility of teaching sandal making so that the men can start a sandal making business.
The construction of this skills center will enable the women and men of Kanyenyeva to produce marketable products and the high schoolers to have a place to study in the evening. Having a business producing and selling reusable sanitary pads will provide a source of income for women in the community and allow girls and women throughout Malawi to have an affordable and viable solution for menstrual hygiene in a country where the girls and women typically miss school and work since their alternatives are primitive and sometimes nonexistent. These businesses will enable the people in the community to expand their repertoire of skills and options for income beyond sustainable farming.
The construction of the hall is the first phase of the project and is possible thanks to a generous grant from the Christmas offerings of Westwood Community Church in the Minneapolis, MN area.
The second phase of the project will include the addition of solar and generator power and plumbing for indoor restrooms. The second phase is projected to cost $15,000 – $20,000 and will begin after the money is raised. If you would like to donate to this project, please click here.