Precious at college!
Precious is from Kanyenyeva. When he was a young child, he was encouraged to attend school by the leaders of the orphan project. The leaders encourage all the children in their area to attend school.
In Malawi, students need to pass a test in order to move to the next grade. Precious did so well on the test he took to enter high school that he was invited to attend a national high school where the top students from their county attend. He received financial assistance through Malawi Orphan Care Project (MOCP) to attend this high school.
Precious did so well on the tests that he took in order to graduate from high school that he was invited to attend university in Malawi!! Thanks to a generous donation to MOCP for his education and expenses, he is able to attend university. He has chosen Computer Science as his major and is attending UNICAF in Lilongwe.
Thanks to another donation, he will be receiving a computer soon.
Precious is the first student from Kanyenyeva Ministries to attend university. Thanks to the leadership of the orphan project who know that education will help their community and their country develop, more children in their community are graduating from high school. The investment of encouraging education by the leaders of the orphan project is showing and will only serve to benefit their area and their country as more and more students graduate and make a difference in their county.
Thank you to everyone who has and will donate to help educate the children in Kanyenyeva.