In the villages, most people sleep on reed mats which lie on dirt floors in their homes. Everyone in the house might share a blanket to help stay warm in the cooler months. In Malawi, the cooler months are from May through August when the night time temperatures at the orphan project average about 45° to 50° F.
The orphan project desires to give each registered orphan a blanket before the cooler weather starts in May. A blanket costs about 5,820 Malawi kwacha, which is equal to about $15 (U.S.). In order for 300 orphans to receive a blanket, they will need $4,500 (U.S.). Beginning in December, 2012, there have been some fund raisers in the U.S. and we have collected $2,176. This is less than half of what is needed for each registered orphan to have a blanket. The cold season for Malawi is fast approaching and it looks like not everyone will be able to receive a blanket.
If you are able, please donate now then send a message to let us know that you would like your donation to go toward blankets. Please help to give each person their own blanket.