4th Annual Liwiro la Malawi

The fourth annual Liwiro la Malawi is on Saturday, April 1 in downtown Mansfield, Ohio.

Join us for a family friendly 5K Run/Walk in downtown Mansfield, Ohio. Awards are presented to the top 2 male and female runners and to the top two male and female participants in each age category. The age categories are 10 & under, 11-14, 15-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60 & over.

All of the awards come from Malawi! The necklaces and lanyards for the age award medals are made by widows and caretakers at the orphan project who started a business to make bracelets and expanded to include necklaces and lanyards. The medals are made by an artisan who lives near the orphan project.





The money raised from this 5K Run/Walk will help to improve the lives of orphans at the Kanyenyeva Orphan Care Ministry in Malawi, Africa.

Malawi is an extremely poor country of 15 million people. There are at least 1 million orphans in Malawi due primarily to HIV/AIDS and malaria. The physical growth of at least 50% of the children under the age of 5 has been stunted because of chronic malnutrition. It is estimated that 55% to 74% of its population live in extreme poverty. This is why Liwiro la Malawi (We run for Malawi).


For more information about this 5k go to http://ohioraceday.com/races/malawi-5k/

If you don’t live in Ohio and would like to support this 5k, you can donate through http://ohioraceday.com/races/malawi-5k/