The 5th Annual Liwiro la Malawi will be on Saturday, April 21. The 5k Run/Walk starts and ends on the square in downtown Mansfield, Ohio. Registration is at 8:00a.m. – 8:50a.m at 29 North Main Street (Crossroads City Center). The 5k starts at 9:00 a.m. All of the awards come from Malawi. Overall top 2 males and females receive a …
Tag: Liwiro la Malawi
Liwiro la Malawi 5k Run/Walk 2016
The third annual Liwiro la Malawi is on Saturday, March 19 in downtown Mansfield, Ohio. All of the awards come from Malawi! The necklaces and lanyards for the age award medals are made by widows and caretakers at the orphan project who started a business to make bracelets and expanded to include necklaces and lanyards. The medals are made by …