New Kitchen!

Most of the cooking in Africa is done over an open wood burning fire. The “three stone fire” is not a very efficient method. The wood is scarce, leads to deforestation, and creates smoke that creates health problems for the caregivers. And when it is raining, the women are unable to keep the fires burning. In 2012, a fundraiser to …

Thank You Video

A capital campaign was held from April – July, 2012 to raise money for a well and a kitchen at the Kanyenyeva Orphan Care Ministry(KOCM). Almost $20,000 was raised to dig the well and build the kitchen. In July, the kitchen was built. The well was started in July, also. The drillers found water and wanted to dig a little …

Wakhonza (Way Cool) 4 Girls go to Boarding School

In September, 2012, 4 girls from the Kanyenyeva Orphan Care Ministry(KOCM) went to boarding school for the first time. Each one of the girls that attends the boarding school is a double orphan, meaning both of her parents have died. The girls were living in the homes of relatives or others in their village. Since Malawi is such a poor …